Albert Einstein's Twin Paradox

Subhash Kak, Delaune Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at LSU, recently resolved the twin paradox, known as one of the most enduring puzzles of modern-day physics.First suggested by Albert Einstein more than 100 years ago, the paradox deals with the effects of time in the context of travel at near the speed of light. Einstein originally used the example of two clocks -- one motionless, one in transit. He stated that, due to the laws of physics, clocks being transported near the speed of light would move more slowly than clocks that remained stationary. In more recent times, the paradox has been described using the analogy of twins. If one twin is placed on a space shuttle and travels near the speed of light while the remaining twin remains earthbound, the unmoved twin would have aged dramatically compared to his interstellar sibling, according to the paradox."If the twin aboard the spaceship went to the nearest star, which is 4.45 light years away at 86 percent of the speed of light, when he returned, he would have aged 5 years. But the earthbound twin would have aged more than 10 years!" said Kak.The fact that time slows down on moving objects has been documented and verified over the years through repeated experimentation. But, in the previous scenario, the paradox is that the earthbound twin is the one who would be considered to be in motion -- in relation to the sibling -- and therefore should be the one aging more slowly. Einstein and other scientists have attempted to resolve this problem before, but none of the formulas they presented proved satisfactory.Kak's findings were published online in the International Journal of Theoretical Science, and will appear in the upcoming print version of the publication. "I solved the paradox by incorporating a new principle within the relativity framework that defines motion not in relation to individual objects, such as the two twins with respect to each other, but in relation to distant stars," said Kak. Using probabilistic relationships, Kak's solution assumes that the universe has the same general properties no matter where one might be within it.The implications of this resolution will be widespread, generally enhancing the scientific community's comprehension of relativity. It may eventually even have some impact on quantum communications and computers, potentially making it possible to design more efficient and reliable communication systems for space applications. 

Why most of the things are round/spherical in shape? - C S Rao

Every thing tries to attain a lower energy state and become stable. We try to do it too!!!  Consider a magnet at a point A at some distance from point C. Point C is the nearest point at which the magnetic intensity is zero.So if bodies try to go in between AC , they would gain energy and go somewhere else untill they reach a point like C at which the body will attain lower energy state. This in 2-D will attain a circular figure and in 3-D will attain a spherical shape.A circle or sphere is a representation of that low energy state because the boundries are all equi-distant from the center.Whoever invented the zero knew this!!! That is why most (natural) things are spherical (or close to it). If they are not perfectly spherical (or round), it's because an outside force (typically gravity) is working on it.

How to eavesdrop on alien chat!!!!


Leap Year concept: Why 1900 was not a leap year but 2000 was! C S Rao

EArth takes 365.2425 days to revolve around the sun. We take into account only 365 days. And an year with 365 days is called as the Common year(february =28 days). The remaining 0.2425 we approximate as 0.25.  Hence the error in the approximation is [-0.0075=(0.2425-0.25)]. Keep this negative error in mind because this will be used later.Now after 4 years 0.25 of a day becomes 0.25*4=1 day. So we add a day after 4 years in the month of february making it a month of 29 days. This year with 29 days in february or a total of 366 days in the year is called as the LEAP year. But due to the error of -0.0075 per year, which becomes considerably enough to be taken in to account after 100 years (i.e. -0.0075 * 100=-0.75 of a day), which again can be approximated to -1 day, we remove a day after 100 years, which makes a centurial year (which is not divisible by 400 ) a Common year (non leap year). But again in the approximation done above i have an error of 0.25 (=(-0.75) -(-1)) per 100 years. Now after 4 centurial years this error becomes exactly 1 day (=0.25*4=0.0075*400) which is added in the month of february.  Hence every centurial year except for the ones which are divisible by 400 is a non-leap year.